Kehris drinking water
The manufacture and sale of the drinking water under brand of “Kahriz” has started since 2008. Within this period the company has developed and increased, turned into one of the well-known and leading drinking water producing companies in the market by control its products quality any me. In 2013 a territory (total area - 4.02 hectare) was purcahsed and Drinking Water Plant was built with an area of 3200 square meters. Producon area of the Plant has been equipped with modern equipments. The manufacture and sale of the product under brand of “Adasu” in 5 L, 10 L and 19 L PET containers has started since 2014. The manufacture of full range of products under brands of “Dalga” and “Sarin bulag” for “Araz markets chain” and “Oba markets chain”has started since 2016 according to the Contract concluded with company “Veyseloglu”. The required air pressure flow for water producon lines is obtainedby means of 10 bar Screw compressor, 10 bar Expansiontank, Air Dryer, 2 piecesof 40 bar Boosters, 40 bar Expansion tank and Redryer.

Water goes throughsand, coal and mechanical filters and comes in the Reverse Osmosis Water Purificaon Unit with capacity of 10 tonnes per hour at the Purificaon Workshop. In the final stage, water, mineralized, is passedaer ozonizaon through 1 micron filter in the Stainless Steel Tanks with capacity of 30 t and aer passing to the producon lines issubjected to6 (six) lamps ultravioletradiaon. The laboratory analyses of purified water are carried outusing an apparatus DRLANGE-LASA 100, made in Germany, and water, met the requirements, is passed to the producon lines. At the present me there are 3 (three) fully automated water lines at the Plant. 1. First line consists of inflaon, filling, capping, labelling, dang and packing equipments for PET containers of0.33 L, 0.5 L, 1.0 L, 1.5 L. Line capacity: 0.33 L and 0.5 L – 6000 pcs/hour 1.0 L – 4000 pcs/hour 1.5 L – 3500 pcs/hour 2. Second line consists of inflaon, filling, capping, labelling, dang and packing equipments for PET containersof5 L and 10 L. Line capacity: 5 L – 2500 pcs/hour 10 L – 1800 pcs/hour 3. Third line consists of inflaon, filling, capping, safety band, labelling and dang for PET containers of 19 L. Line capacity: 19 L – 500 pcs/hour Altogether 24 (twenty four) sort of products are manufactured at the Plant
- Without human intervention
- Ozonized
- Operative delivery